Thursday, June 25, 2009

...never seeks it's own gain

Love, that is.

There is a new song on my lips these last couple of days entitled 1 Corinthians 13. You know, that passage that talks about love? One of my all time favorite passages of scripture, by far. I've recently discovered (with the help of some dear friends) a new collaboration of worship artists that I happen to really enjoy by the name of United Pursuit and they do this song and it is beautiful. I can't get it out of my head and it has been resounding withing my spirit for a few days now.

I've done a lot of introspective thinking and observing lately, of myself. I'm undoubtedly happiest when I'm behind the keys of my piano, my voice singing sweet lyrics of adoration to my Savior. I'm going to begin writing music again. I've jotted down so many ideas and inspirations within a safely bound notebook that has been bound and stowed away for far too long, but even more importantly allow my heart to to be open and unlocked again to do that which makes me feel so alive. Music is the equivalent of breathing for me. I thank God for placing the desire and ability within me to make music to honor Him. It is so fulfilling and exuberating.

I want a love so pure and real that never seeks it's own gain. I want a love so raw and true that inspires melodies and harmonies to not only touch my fathers heart but also the lives and hearts of others.

Make me a vessel that is willing to be used, willing to be filled and willing to be poured out in your honor, Lord.


alyssa said...

congrats to you! if you sing like you write, i'm sure it is AMAZING!!

Lindsey said...

This is a beautiful post!! I bet you are a very talented song writer!

Morgan Owens said...

Goodluck with the new journey of yours! There is no doubt in my mind you are a BEAUTIFUL writer, and I know your beautiful soul will shine through your lyrics. :)

Melissa said...

Love never seeks its own gain... what a standard to live by. Truly amazing how you can give me pause to think all the time Miss! And bravo on recognizing when and where you are happiest and most fulfilled - what a gift to receive and then act on. Hugs and love amiga.

Elizabeth Banta said...

This post was so inspiring and has your true self written all over it. I thank God, too, that He's given you the gifts you have inside of you.. I'm so happy you're going to begin writing music again! God is going bless that and use you to touch so many peoples lives, I have no doubt of that.