Friday, December 4, 2009

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

However, it doesn't necessarily feel like Christmas to me right now. I'm assuming that the absence of my family fully contributes to this feeling. We have so many sweet traditions that I will not be able to participate in this year. Sad.

I'm going to make the most of this blessed season, though. I'm surrounded by wonderful friends and I plan to seize and treasure every moment spent with loved ones. Plus, I will be spending Christmas eve and Christmas day with my wonderful family! God totally provided a way for me to fly to West Virginia to be with them. We're all meeting up there at my aunt and uncle's house. I couldn't be more excited!

I'm really happy in so many aspects of the word but the last couple of days, I have been feeling a bit down. This growing up stuff isn't easy. I'm trying my absolute best to be positive and excited about the future and I really do love how things are right now. Plain and simple- I miss my family and my home.

Ben is wonderful and treats me like a queen. It's insane, really. I've never been treated with so much respect and care by anyone. It's so precious and inevitably makes me feel amazing. So blessed. I think I mentioned before that our history goes back 5 and a 1/2 years, didn't I? Isn't that insane? Seriously, our story could be a book. It's that crazy and sweet. I love it. I'm still in disbelief about it all but I'm savoring every moment we've been able to spend together. Our times together are so pure and sweet. There's a definite comfort given our past but also a new intrigue and mystery which makes it all the more exciting and precious. Seriously, every girl should be treated the way he treats me. EVERY girl. I'm amazed at the amount of thoughtfulness he displays towards me. He knows exactly what makes me happy and goes beyond measure to give it to me. It's so sweet and melts my heart. Slow strides though. Slow strides.

I'm learning to discover beauty in the unpredictable and contentment in the curves that life consistently throws at me. It's a lesson to be learned every single day.

I hope you're all having a beautiful holiday season thus far.

Love, Amber


A Moms Perspective said...

Well your home and family misses you as well, Its not the same without you, You deserve to be treated like a princess! You are a treasure and Im so thankful your being treated as such! -Mom

Morgan Owens said...

I know that must be hard on you Amber, and I know your family misses you so much to! Things will all fall into place soon, and you will find your new "comfort zone". I'm really glad that this guy is treating you so well, you deserve nothing less sweet Amber! :) Thinking about you!

Sierra said...

Hang in there love, I miss my family during the holidays too much too. You will learn over time to just savor every moment {as you have been doing} and just knowing that you can be near in heart even though you are far a part. So glad you found a prince that treats you like the princess you are! Enjoy Christmas with your family.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

What part of WV will you be in? I'm in WV! We should totally have a blogger holiday meet up!

Lindsey said...

Aw friend that must be hard tobe away from them, hang in there friend. HUGS!!

Anonymous said...

interesting blog
God Bless You

Anonymous said...

Aww..Amber, I understand those growing pains all to well! Would you believe one night shortly after I got married, I cried myself to sleep!? All I could think about was how much I missed my old bed, my mom and my dog! haha. I was happily married, no doubt, but sometime we can't help but miss simpler, easier times :)
You'll pull through, I just know it!

So happy to see Ben is treating you wonderfully. I can "see" the smile on your face as you were typing all that out :) Yay!

Kendall and Brooks said...

Cute Blog!