Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I have exactly 3 days left in my home town before my husband and I venture off and move our lives to Charlotte, NC.

It's quite crazy.

I arrived home from work yesterday evening to find my sweet husband organizing, packing and cleaning. He's a gem. I married the best person ever and he blesses me and kills me with kindness every single day. I am beyond thankful for the companion that God has so graciously given me and I love being married to this man.

I'm dealing with a myriad of emotions on a daily basis. One day I am super excited about the move and embracing change and the next day I am completely overwhelmed with sadness to leave my "home".

But today something hit me.

Home is really not a location. My home is in the hearts of the people who mean the most to me. Now my home is with my new husband, wherever we may end up. Together, we are at "home". Home is where I feel joy, hope, love, safety, peace and kindness. Home is where I can "be myself" and let my hair down. Home isn't always concrete.

However, I am very much looking forward to making a new house, our home, EVENTUALLY.

I'm embracing this new adventure with an open mind and heart. There is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety but I feel at peace and the support we feel from loved ones is unreal. God has richly blessed us- maybe not soley in dollar signs or material possesions but in a much more valuable way and I am not complaining.

Here's to 2012- a great adventure and journey with the love of my life by my side.