Needless to say, it was an absolute disaster.
The colors were mauve and white. Mauve? Seriously? Who even likes mauve?
Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few".
-Matthew 9:37-
Introspective today.
Good for the soul.
Fear suffocates. Kills joy. Steals peace. Consumes minds.
I will not be it's victim.
Truth be told- I live alone.
In all actuality, I do not mind this. I quite like having my place to myself. It's nice. However, I do get scared at night. (Childlike I know) I simply can't help it. I love living alone but I do not like being alone at night time. I actually hate it.
So, over the course of just two weeks- numerous people and random people have had dreams about me that have caused them to urge me to "take caution".
Ummm, ok?
I usually do not give much thought to all of this during the course of my day but at night "what if"s" begin to circulate in my mind and I end up totally freaking myself out.
I also have never been so scared to get into my car to drive somewhere.
I had a dream about myself, too. It was extremely unpleasant.
Walking into work the next morning to your boss saying "Amber, you have no idea how glad I am to see you this morning! I almost called you at 3am to check on you because I had a terrible dream and I wanted to make sure you were okay." doesn't necessarily help either.
I'm not really sure what all of these dreams and cautions mean but I'm being extra careful. Maybe even to a fault.
Praying for peace and a sound mind.
I don't deal well with fear. At all.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isiaiah 41:10
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7
Alexandra and Filipe = World's most gorgeous couple. Quite sickening. Love them both.Danielle and Alex- Models much?
Beach day with Ben and Danielle on Saturday
Date night with Ben on Saturday night. I'm not the best at angling the camera for self portraits. This will have to do.
It was a lovely weekend, indeed.
Now to get through this work week...
-Last weekend was great as I was able to spend some time with two of my dearest friends, Alex and Beth.
-Crossing my fingers and hoping and praying that my dear friend, Ashley will become my new roomie in May! Looks as though it might be happening and I am so excited about it!
(Ashley and I- December 2009)
Photo found here.
Check out Chris and Conrad's, "I'm at Home" music video here. Ben is playing in it.
I love my guy/rockstar/sweetheart/best friend in the world who takes tremendous care of me and showers me with the sweetest love
I am blessed beyond belief.
Just wanted to brag a little bit. Hope you didn't mind. ;)
Now, go buy their cd and check their website for tour dates and if they're near you, go and see them. Thanks. :)
It was a beautiful time spent with some of my most favorite people in the world, beach time and lots of laughing. Perfect. (Minus the sunburn I'm currently suffering from.)
[pure bliss]
Decorating is too much fun.
Note: With the exception of the lamp, table and big black center frame, everything was purchased from a second hand store. Yes. Truth.
I ♥ thrift stores.
Matt, Alex and I getting everything ready for the bake sale!
Sweet Alex and I. I'm fully conviced that she is the most gorgeous girl in the world. Not even joking. She's also got an incredible heart. Just love her.
Danielle, Alex and I.
Saturday was a bit lazy to begin with and then Alex came over and we hung out for a bit and then had a birthday party for our friend later that evening.
Later on that night he came out and met us all for our friend's birthday and then afterward, he drove me home, making a pit stop at his house first and foremost. He demanded that I close my eyes tightly and follow his lead...which I did. He led me through the garage and around one of their vehicles and then told me to open my eyes. Before me was a GORGEOUS piece of furniture/record player (that still works!) that he had bought and refinished for me. He worked on it all day long in the heat of the sun to make it perfect and perfect, it is. I'm in love! Such a sweet and thoughtful easter present. I just love that guy. He is too good to be true.
I admittedly felt ashamed for acting out of my annoyance earlier in the day and apologized profusely. Sheesh, what a way to make me feel bad.
This picture isn't very good quality and due to the position of it, I had a difficult time getting a good one. I'll post a better one once it's in the apartment. I just absolutely adore it!
Sunday was obviously Easter Sunday. I braved and went to the 8:00 service (barely got out of bed in time) and then went downtown to hear Phil Wickham at the Saenger Theater. It was great. Afterwards, I went home and crashed as I waited for Ben to finish playing drums at all 4 services that the church had. Insane. OH and on Friday night at their Good Friday service, there was a technical difficulty and due to a sound spike, he suffered an acoustic rupture of his eardrum that caused bleeding and severe pain. He's supposed to be going to see a specialist today. Poor thing had to play drums at 4 services in pain. I felt/feel so bad for him! :'(
I made him an Easter basket filled with some of his favorite things. He loved it :) He took me out to dinner and then we went back to my house and watched a movie. It was glorious.
Such a good weekend!
I hope you all had a marvelous weekend and a Beautiful Easter as well!