Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is love inspired by affection or is it unselfish, loyal, and benevolent concern for the good of another?

I agree that both are very obvious crucial components but which do we lean on entirely? Do we strive for a love just because we desire and feel we need affection, affirmation and adoration from another? Or do we love because we are unselfish, loyal, and devoted?

Love is the purest form of devotion, the giving of ones self for another and the willingness to lay down your life for another.

The word "love" in our culture today has lost the pure and beautiful meaning that it once held. We say "i love you" so casually in shallow relationships that don't last more than a month or even a week. Adolescents and young teens are referring love to sex and truly believing that something so childish and immature will last forever, only to get their hearts broken and their innocence stolen, never to be obtained again.

Love is a choice. We must embrace true love, not "love" as we may know it but true love. To love is to give, it is to surrender every part of you.

"One can give without loving, but one cannot love without giving." - Amy Carmichael

It is impossible to truly "love"someone and not be willing to sacrifice. If you aren't, then I would question your love. Love is forever.

Such beauty the human heart can possess. For from out of the very depths come feelings so strong, deep and indescribable. The core of who we are craves a love and acceptance from someone, anyone. The tendency of falling and being broken time and time again is possible and most likely to occur. Some give so freely, others grasp tightly and don't ever take a chance. While we desire something so true and everlasting, we become disappointed and defeated in expectation when we discover the shattering truth that we are in fact, human. We are susceptible to the frailties of human nature. Therefore, we fail to be perfect and love perfectly. We are defined by our actions, our failures, flaws and inconsistencies. To love and to be loved is the greatest, most incredible feeling you will experience. When someone looks past your defects and imperfections, yet loves you despite them is true love in it's most raw form. Some search their entire lives for "true love", yet never encounter it. Some find it. In searching for a deep, steadfast, essential, real, raw, and honest love and devotion, we fail to meet such pure love here. No matter how hard we try, how much we love or how much we give we are simply human and we are still so imperfect.

Imagine if you could experience this. For just one moment, in your deepest darkest hour you could feel something that seems impossible, something that you ache for. Why do we long for this? Our creator designed us with these desires and feelings knowing that we would never be satisfied by anything on this earth He placed us upon. He knew we needed His love, He knew we would find it if we searched for it. It seems so far fetched, I know. What is there to lose in accepting? Nothing. You gain. What is there to lose in believing? Nothing. You gain faith. What is there to lose in searching? Nothing. If you truly search with your whole heart, you will find.
I break at the fact that some will never encounter because they are afraid or they don't believe. If you seek, you will find.

Greater love has no one than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends. This my friend is the absolute meaning of love. How great of love that our father sent His son to be chastised, broken, beat, battered, mocked, and killed when He was perfect. He bore our sins and shame. He was bruised for our faults. He took our place. If we can't lay hold of this profound love, then we are missing out on the greatest thing that was ever given to us. Once we accept and understand, we become enveloped, consumed, and completely overtaken that we can't help but demonstrate the act of love.

When we find this love, we can truly love.


Lindsey said...

LOVE this post! And I agree 100%!!!

shrever87 said...

You are so beautiful Amber..this portrays your heart so well..I love you..I love this..You amaze me more and more everyday. I cherish our friendship and and I hope we keep this relationship intact for years and years to come. I love you Ber!!