Thursday, October 8, 2009

On Knowing You.

Because i knew you
now i know Love.
And i know that, i want more of...

the thing that poets write about
the thing that singers sing about
the thing that flowers bloom for
the thing that stars shine for
the thing that babies laugh for
the thing that jesus died for
the thing that winners wait for
the thing that trees reach for
the thing that addicts stop for
the thing that widows die for
the thing that proud are humbled for
the thing that lonely are looking for
the thing that made me come alive
the thing that made me realize
that Your love is the most beautiful thing can happen to anyone.

-Bradley Hathaway


Sierra said...

That is beautiful and love is beautiful. Gorgeous sunset photo to go with it, hope you are enjoying your day!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I like that a lot!

Shanny said...

This is so beautiful!